REI Compartment

The best designs

We design, manufacture and certify REI partition walls to withstand fire, thanks to technologically advanced and latest generation materials.

Scrupulous laboratory tests prove that our panels are the best on the market to construct insulating and self-supporting walls with exceptional performance in the presence of fire.

The reaction to the fire of our panels is in Class A2-s1, d0.

Laboratory tests have proven that these panels are the top range for insulating and self-supporting walls with exceptional fire behaviour. The reaction to fire is classified as Class A2-s1, d0, whereas fire resistance depends on the thickness of the panels.

• EI 30 for panel sp. 50 mm
• EI 60 for panel sp. 80 mm
• EI 120 for panel sp. 100 mm
• EI 180 for panel sp. 150 mm

Insulating mass
Density: 100 Kg / m3 ± 10%.
Different densities are obtainable on request.
N.B.: at the production level, it is not possible to fill the lip of the joint due to the characteristics of the type of insulation.


Expertise, experience, reliability